Monday, October 5, 2009


Hello, this is your fashion confidante speaking to all my ladies outside of California. Most of you know me very well, and some of you are now beginning to get to know me. I am your future shopping assistant, your fashion advisor, your stylist Tawnie Harding.

But before I go into the meaning of this blog, I think it is important that I explain my background in Fashion.

I moved from Utah, to go to college in California. I graduated with a degree in Fashion Design and worked in Los Angeles as an assistant designer. I married and moved to Orange County, which is not far from Los Angeles but far enough to know that I didn't want to commute there everyday.

I am sure by now you are asking yourself, "Why this introduction"? Well I want the opportunity to be your personal stylist. I want to help my fellow friends in Utah, and other states that are in need of the latest and greatest fashions, vintage, boutique and designer clothing. Please don't take this blog as a limitation to only my friends in Utah. I want to help your friends and family, and anyone who needs my stylist services.

Do you have time to shop?? Are you limited to only shopping mall women's apparel?? Do you have trouble finding a certain designer labels?? When you go to the mall to shop do you have a hard time pulling together a outfit that you like?? Do you want to reinvent your look?? My stylist services can assist you with the answers to these questions.

I can also shop for shoes, and accessories. I can even make sure that you look fabulous for a date, special occasion, or event. The everyday look is something I love. During the weekdays you can catch me wearing jeans and a cute top, but when the weekend arrives on goes my cocktail dress, or cute top with a short skirt and high heels . I want you to look great anytime, anywhere.

Growing up in Utah I know the limitations when it comes to fashion. Yes, some brand name labels make there way to Utah, but many never do. Los Angeles and Orange County have many designer labels, and small boutiques that carry unique styles. I am well educated on all types of styles, trends, labels and designers. I can shop for all different type of women, the t-shirt and jeans girl, career girl, rocker chic, vintage girl, boutique girl, the high fashion fashionista, and hippie girl etc....etc..... etc.....

For any inquiry's, comments, feedback e-mail me


Coming soon to you!!

Look of the day- a outfit styled by me.

Save and Splurge comparisons - two outfits styled by me that are similar in the way they look one on a budget, the other a designer brand splurge.

Shopping Days- Post shopping days. I will post where and when I will be shopping.

Showy" Jewelry Line- Fashion jewelry designed by me, Tawnie. My jewelry line is edgy, large, stand out statement jewelry.

One-of-kind- I will design a outfit from concept to completion custom work.